Cleaning and Care

Lids: The lids are NOT dishwasher safe. Please handwash with a mild washing up liquid and air dry.

Lids are made of a strong plastic but they are not necessarily indestructible so please do take care with them. If your lid arrives broken, please let us know at

You can order additional lids on the website. 

Straws: Our metal straws will stay in the best shape if you handwash with the cleaner that comes with it. You can use a mild washing up liquid for cleaning. 

These metal straws do conduct heat so PLEASE DO NOT drink your hot drinks with the metal straw as this may cause burns. 

Cups: The stainless steel cups are dishwasher safe (ideally on the top rack), however, to preserve the longevity of the finish on your cup, we suggest handwashing with a mild dish soap.